Phew! So it's Friday night and for the past week I've been between jobs (i.e, unemployed), so I've finally had the time to create a tool that I've been wanting to build for a while. So here is a new tool for customizing ribbons on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
It's different from other ribbon editors available because it shows a full real-time preview of what the ribbon will look like in CRM, and it should eliminate the need to spend hours studying the ribbon XML schema in the CRM SDK before trying to add a new button to a ribbon. No more scrolling through pages of XML looking for the ID of the element you want to insert your button into. Just click "New Button", position it where you want, then define the actions and enable rules or display rules. Then click "Save" to save the changes back to CRM.
I'll post more about this project later, but for now you can find it at
It's currently in a beta state and still need alot of testing, but please check it out!
-Erik Pool